
A tool for visiting network nodes to perform housekeeping functions.

Primary LanguagePython

README for Inveneo Crawler

The Inveneo Crawler reads a set of host IPs from OpenNMS import XML files, and
then visits those hosts to do some housekeeping, such as pulling the latest
configuration and rebooting the host if it has been running a long time.

It generates a report in a form suitable for import into a spreadsheet.

Written by jwiggins@inveneo.org 2011-2012

===== Files (top down hierarchy) =====
nightly.sh          - a wrapper script for cron to handle logging/reporting
crawler.sh          - a wrapper script ensuring root, limiting runtime
host_visitor.py     - top level module; gets host list and does housekeeping
host_walker.py      - module that pulls together a host list from XML files
h3c_control.py      - class for controlling H3C switches
mikrotik_control.py - class for controlling Mikrotik routers
ubiquiti_control.py - class for controlling Ubiquiti radios
host_control.py     - base class with funtionality common to all hosts
crawler_util.py     - utility data and functions used by several modules
crawler_conf.py     - per-site configuration
README              - this file

===== Discussion =====
Normally you will run this from /etc/crontab using a line like this:

00 02 * * * root /opt/inveneo/sbin/nightly.sh /opt/inveneo/sbin/crawler.sh 05 00

nightly.sh - This shell script handles three things: making sure only one
instance of the desired program is running, putting its output into a logfile
(and rotating log files), and sending an email report of the run.

crawler.sh - This shell script puts a time limit on the running of the program,
killing it if it goes past its end time (which is passed in via two arguments).

host_visitor.py - This Python script makes a list of hosts to visit, picking up
where it left off on its last run.  It tries to ping the host, and then to log
in and get the uptime.  After that it tries to download the config file(s) of
the host.  And sometimes it may then try to reboot the host.

host_walker.py - This Python script parses OpenNMS provisioning XML files,
considered to be the "master list" of what host nodes are out there on the
network, and presents the list.

h3c_control.py, mikrotik_control.py, ubiquiti_control.py - These Python scripts
are subclasses of host_control.py, extending its functions for specific
devices (namely, H3C switches, Mikrotik routers, and Ubiquiti radios).

host_control.py - A Python base class for presenting a generic interface to a
network node: you can query the uptime, version, and configuration, as well as
reboot the device (but this is an abstract base class: you need to use one of
the specific subclasses above to work with a given device).

crawler_util.py, crawler_conf.py - These are common utilities and site-specific
configuration data.

README - A helpful text file, no?