
[Bug] Label template drop-down is empty

simonkuehling opened this issue · 14 comments

Just noticed a possible bug in the UI - for me in the label printing dialog of the app, the template selection drop-down is shown empty and cannot be opened for selection.

Label printing does work, though.

23-07-13 15-18-07 0062

App version:
0.12.2 - Build 68 on iPadOS 16.5.1

@simonkuehling thanks for reporting. Some incoming updates in #399 - should address this I think

Sweet - looking forward to that! 👍

@SchrodingersGat In iOS-Version 0.12.6 Build 73 the issue still seems to be there...


@simonkuehling OK I'll have to look into this further. What InvenTree server version are you running?

The server is running 0.13.0 dev at 92b0a1927

# Version Information:
InvenTree-Version: 0.13.0 dev
Django Version: 3.2.20

Database: postgresql
Debug-Mode: False
Deployed using Docker: True
Platform: Linux-5.15.32-v7l+-armv7l-with
Installer: DOC

Active plugins: [{'name': 'InvenTreeBarcode', 'slug': 'inventreebarcode', 'version': '2.0.0'}, {'name': 'InvenTreeCoreNotificationsPlugin', 'slug': 'inventreecorenotificationsplugin', 'version': '1.0.0'}, {'name': 'IPNAutoGenerator', 'slug': 'ipnautogenerator', 'version': None}, {'name': 'Brother Labels', 'slug': 'brother', 'version': '0.7.0'}]

@simonkuehling still struggling to reproduce this :)

  • Are you printing a label for a "stock item"?
  • Can you confirm that there are multiple label templates available?

@SchrodingersGat Yes, I'm printing StockItem labels and there are two label templates activated in my instance.

If there is anything else I can provide, just let me know!

Can you show the printing dialog from the web interface? In particular the "name" and "description" values for the label templates you have available?

Could be a german "Umlaut" issue, if you thought in that direction:



@simonkuehling your esoteric german characters don't seem to cause any issue :)


Oh wait - you have an empty description on those labels? Try adding a description value to each label and see if that fixes? Looking at the code, it only (currently) displays the description, and not the name of the label

Good catch, that does something - I now get the list of label descriptions in the dropdown and it seems to print as well (cannot physically confirm right now, but I get the "label sent to printer confirmation")

There is no default selection, though - that would be a good idea I think.

@simonkuehling ok I think that this is well understood and addressed now. Will issue a new release soon