
Graph beta install - more specific modules

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Hi again,

Just wondering what exact module is required for Microsoft.Graph.Beta would be awesome to narrow it down to a specific subset of packages to speed up pre-requisite install ๐Ÿ˜Š

I think Invoke-GraphRequest took out most of the beta usage as it is now declared in URL.

It seems the only Functions that depends on a graph modules (barring Microsoft.Graph.Authentication, which is used for Invoke-MgGraphRequest,Connect-MgGraph -are:

Get-MgIdentityConditionalAccessPolicy [Microsoft.Graph.Identity.SignIns]
Get-MgDirectoryRoleMember, [Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement]
Get-MgUser, [Microsoft.Graph.Users]
Get-MgUserMessage, [Microsoft.Graph.Mail]
Get-MgUserMessageAttachment, [Microsoft.Graph.Mail]
Get-MgUserMessageContent [Microsoft.Graph.Mail]

These can also be replaced with API version in time. Along with the Get-OAuthPermissions if deemed necessary, I just used a new function in what I've half-assed for Get-OAuthPermissions

function Get-UriObject
	$uri = [PSCustomObject]@{
		uri                        = ""
		oauth2PermissionGrants     = "/oauth2PermissionGrants"
		getByIds                   = "/directoryObjects/getByIds"
		SPIDoauth2PermissionGrants = "/servicePrincipals/${servicePrincipal-id}/oauth2PermissionGrants"
		servicePrincipals          = "/servicePrincipals"
		organization               = "/organization"
		users                      = "/users"
		appRoleAssignedTo          = "/servicePrincipals/${servicePrincipal-id}/appRoleAssignedTo"
	return $uri

Used like this:


checked using foreach ($f in $files){cat $f|Select-String -SimpleMatch "-Mg"}

Beta does not even appeared to be used in the api calls barring security/auditlog because there is no v1.0 endpoint for that.

PS> foreach ($f in $files){cat $f|select-string -SimpleMatch 'Beta' }

$response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method POST -Uri "" -Body $body -ContentType "application/json"  
$apiUrl = "$scanId"  
$apiUrl = "$scanId/records"  

PS> foreach ($f in $files){cat $f|select-string -SimpleMatch 'v1.0' }  

$apiUrl = "`$filter=$encodedFilterQuery"  
$apiUrl = "`$filter=$encodedFilterQuery"  
$getMessage = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri "$userIds/messages?filter=internetMessageId eq '$id'"  
$contentUri = "$userIds/messages/$messageId/\$value"  
$getMessage = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri "$userIds/messages?filter=internetMessageId eq '$internetMessageId'"  
$contentUri = "$userIds/messages/$messageId/\$value"  
$getMessage = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri "$userIds/messages?filter=internetMessageId eq '$internetMessageId'" -ErrorAction stop  
$response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri "$userIds/messages/$messageId/attachments"  
$uri = "$userIds/messages/$messageId/attachments/$($attachment.Id)/\$value"  
$message = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method GET -Uri "$userIds/messages?filter=internetMessageId eq '$internetMessageId'" -ErrorAction stop  
$nextLink = ""  
$contentUri = "$($"  
$nextLink = ""    
$uri = ""  
$uri = ""  

There does not appear to be any beta module use anymore.

Awesome I might do a PR for the docs on installation ๐Ÿ˜Š

Thanks for that

Thanks @Calvindd2f, I can get used to having someone around to answer all angry-bender his questions ๐Ÿ˜œ

@angry-bender, a PR would be fantastic! If you have no experience with ReadTheDocs let me know I can go over it myself as well. You both are right, the Invoke-GraphRequest is replacing many of the specific PowerShell cmdlets and modules we previously needed.

Thanks @Calvindd2f, I can get used to having someone around to answer all angry-bender his questions ๐Ÿ˜œ

@angry-bender, a PR would be fantastic! If you have no experience with ReadTheDocs let me know I can go over it myself as well. You both are right, the Invoke-GraphRequest is replacing many of the specific PowerShell cmdlets and modules we previously needed.

Not a problem, should be an easy fix, I'll see if I can find some time tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜Š


I have removed the references to the Graph beta module from the Read The Docs. As mentioned by Calvindd2f, I will also replace the other Graph cmdlets with the API in the future.