InvoiceOcean API

InvoiceOcean API

Description on how to integrate own apllication or service with https://invoiceocean.com/ system

Thanks to API you can issue invoices/bills/receipts from other systems and manage these documents, as well as clients and products

Table of contents

API_TOKEN token has to be downloaded from application settings ("Settings -> Account settings -> Integration -> API Authorization Code")

Additional parameters can be forwarded to calls (same as in application), e.g. page=, period= etc.

page= parameter allows to iteration over paginated records. By default it is '1' what gives first N records, when N is the limit of the records in response. In order to download next N records, parameter page=2 should be forwarded to call and so forth.

period= parameter allows to select records from given period. Possible values:

  • last_12_months
  • this_month
  • last_30_days
  • last_month
  • this_year
  • last_year
  • all
  • more (in that case, additional parameters date_from (e.g "2018-12-16") and date_to ("2018-12-21") should be passed)
Downloading a list of invoices from current month:
curl https://yourdomain.invoiceocean.com/invoices.json?period=this_month&api_token=API_TOKEN

NOTE: additional parameters can be forwarded to calls, e.g. page=, period= etc.

Specific client's invoices:
curl https://yourdomain.invoiceocean.com/invoices.json?client_id=ID_KLIENTA&api_token=API_TOKEN&page=1
Downloading invoices by ID:
curl https://yourdomain.invoiceocean.com/invoices/100.json?api_token=API_TOKEN
Downloading as PDF:
curl https://yourdomain.invoiceocean.com/invoices/100.pdf?api_token=API_TOKEN
Sending invoices by email to a client:
curl -X POST https://yourdomain.invoiceocean.com/invoices/100/send_by_email.json?api_token=API_TOKEN

Other PDF options:

  • print_option=original - Original
  • print_option=copy - Copy
  • print_option=original_and_copy - Original and copy
  • print_option=duplicate Duplicate
Adding a new invoice:
curl https://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/invoices.json \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
        "api_token": "API_TOKEN",
        "invoice": {
            "number": null, 
            "sell_date": "2013-01-16", 
            "issue_date": "2013-01-16", 
            "payment_to": "2013-01-23",
            "seller_name": "Wystawca Sp. z o.o.", 
            "seller_tax_no": "5252445767", 
            "buyer_name": "Klient1 Sp. z o.o.",
            "buyer_tax_no": "5252445767",
                {"name":"Produkt A1", "tax":23, "total_price_gross":10.23, "quantity":1},
                {"name":"Produkt A2", "tax":0, "total_price_gross":50, "quantity":3}
Adding a new invoice - the minimal version (only fields required), when we have product, buyer and seller ID we do not need to provide full details. VAT Invoice with current date and 5 day due date will be issued:
curl http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/invoices.json \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
        "invoice": {
            "payment_to_kind": 5,
            "department_id": 1, 
            "client_id": 1,
                {"product_id": 1, "quantity":2}
Adding a new correction invoice:
curl http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/invoices.json \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
        "invoice": {
            "kind": "correction",
            "from_invoice_id": "2432393,
            "client_id": 1,
                {"name": "Product A1",
                "correction_before_attributes": {
                    "name":"Product A1",
                "correction_after_attributes": {
                    "name":"Product A1",
Invoice update:
curl https://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/invoices/111.json \
    -X PUT \
    -H 'Accept: application/json'  \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
        "api_token": "API_TOKEN",
        "invoice": {
            "buyer_name": "New client name Ltd."
Invoice position update - invoice position id must be specified:
curl https://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/invoices/111.json \
    -X PUT \
    -H 'Accept: application/json'  \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
        "api_token": "API_TOKEN",
        "invoice": {
            "positions": [{"id":32649087, "name":"test"}]
Invoice position deletion - invoice position id must be specified:
curl https://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/invoices/111.json \
    -X PUT \
    -H 'Accept: application/json'  \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
        "api_token": "API_TOKEN",
        "invoice": {
            "positions": [{"id":32649087, "_destroy":1}]
Changing invoice status:
curl "https://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/invoices/111/change_status.json?api_token=API_TOKEN&status=STATUS" -X POST
Downloading a definition list of recurring invoices:
curl https://YOUR_DOMAIN.fakturownia.pl/recurrings.json?api_token=API_TOKEN
Adding a new definition of recurring invoice:
curl https://YOUR_DOMAIN.fakturownia.pl/recurrings.json \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
        "recurring": {
            "name": "Nazwa cyklicznosci",
            "invoice_id": 1,
            "start_date": "2016-01-01",
            "every": "1m",
            "issue_working_day_only": false,
            "send_email": true,
            "buyer_email": "mail1@mail.pl, mail2@mail.pl",
            "end_date": "null"
Actualizing a definition of recurring invoice:
curl https://YOUR_DOMAIN.fakturownia.pl/recurrings/111.json \
    -X PUT \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
        "api_token": "API_TOKEN",
        "recurring": {
            "next_invoice_date": "2016-02-01"
Deleting an invoice:
curl -X DELETE "http://YOUR_DOMAIN.fakturownia.pl/invoices/INVOICE_ID.json?api_token=API_TOKEN"

After downloading invoice data, e.g. by:

curl https://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/invoices/100.json?api_token=API_TOKEN

API gives us token field, on which basis we may receive invoice preview links Such links allow you to refer to the selected invoice without having to log in - you can, for instance, send these links to the customer, who will have access to invoices and PDF.

Links are in the form:

preview: http://yourdomain.invoiceocean.com/invoice/{{token}} pdf: http://yourdomain.invoiceocean.com/invoice/{{token}}.pdf

E.g. for token equal: HBO3Npx2OzSW79RQL7XV2 public PDF will be at http://yourdomain.invoiceocean.com/invoice/HBO3Npx2OzSW79RQL7XV2.pdf


Flow Portal Example which generates a proforma invoice for the client, sends it to the client and after receiving payment, sends the training ticket to the client

  • Client fills in details in the Portal
  • The Portal calls API from invoiceocean.com and generates an invoice
  • The Portal sends a Proforma PDF invoice to the Client along with a payment link
  • Client makes a payment for the Proforma invoice (e.g. using PayPal)
  • InvoiceOcean.com receives information that the payment has been made, generates VAT invoice and sends it to the client and calls Portal API
  • After receiving information regarding payment (by API) Portal sends the training ticket to the Client
  • GET /invoices/1.json downloading invoice
  • POST /invoices.json adding a new invoice
  • PUT /invoices/1.json updating invoice
  • DELETE /invoices/1.json deleting invoice

Example - adding a new invoice - the minimal version (only fields required), when we have product, buyer and seller ID we do not need to provide full details. Field department_id determines the company (or department) which issues the invoice (it can be obtained by clicking on the company in Settings> Data Company)

curl http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/invoices.json \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
        "invoice": {
            "payment_to_kind": 5,
            "department_id": 1, 
            "client_id": 1,
                {"product_id": 1, "quantity":2}

Invoice fields

"number" : "13/2012" - invoice number (if not entered, it will be automatically generated)
"kind" : "vat" - invoice kind (vat, proforma, bill, receipt, advance, correction, vat_mp, invoice_other, vat_margin, kp, kw, final, estimate)
"income" : "1" - income invoice (1) or cost invoice (0)
"issue_date" : "2013-01-16" - date of issue 
"place" : "Warszawa" - place of issue
"sell_date" : "2013-01-16" - date of sale (it can be date or month in the YYYY-MM format)
"category_id" : "" - category id
"department_id" : "1" - department id (in Settings > Company / department, click on company / department and department ID will be shown in the URL)
"seller_name" : "Radgost Sp. z o.o." - seller
"seller_tax_no" : "525-244-57-67" - seller tax id
"seller_bank_account" : "24 1140 1977 0000 5921 7200 1001" - seller bank account
"seller_bank" : "BRE Bank", 
"seller_post_code" : "02-548", 
"seller_city" : "Warsaw", 
"seller_street" : "21 Olesińska St.", 
"seller_country" : "", 
"seller_email" : "platnosci@radgost123.com", 
"seller_www" : "", 
"seller_fax" : "", 
"seller_phone" : "", 
"client_id" : "-1" - buyer id (if -1 then client will be created in the system)
"buyer_name" : "Client name" - buyer
"buyer_tax_no" : "525-244-57-67", 
"disable_tax_no_validation" : "", 
"buyer_post_code" : "30-314", 
"buyer_city" : "Warsaw", 
"buyer_street" : "Nowa 44", 
"buyer_country" : "", 
"buyer_note" : "", 
"buyer_email" : "", 
"additional_info" : "0" - whether to display additional field in invoice position
"additional_info_desc" : "PKWiU" - name of the additional column in invoice positions
"show_discount" : "0" - whether show discount or not
"payment_type" : "transfer", 
"payment_to_kind" : due date. if it is "other_date", then you may define a specific date in "payment_to" field, if it is, for example, numer 5 then you have a 5 day payment period
"payment_to" : "2013-01-16", 
"status" : "issued", 
"paid" : "0,00", 
"oid" : "zamowienie10021", - order number (e.g. from external ordering system)
"warehouse_id" : "1090", 
"seller_person" : "Forename Surname", 
"buyer_first_name" : "Forename", 
"buyer_last_name" : "Surname", 
"description" : "", 
"paid_date" : "", 
"currency" : "GBP", 
"lang" : "en",
"use_moss" : "0", - whether or not to use MOSS
"exchange_currency" : "", - converted currency (conversion of the sum and tax into another currency), e.g. "USD"
"exchange_kind" : "", - source of the exchange rate for currency conversion ("ecb", "nbp", "cbr", "nbu", "nbg", "own")
"exchange_currency_rate" : "", - custom exchange rate for currency conversion (used only if exchange_kind parameter is set to "own")
"internal_note" : "", 
"invoice_template_id" : "1", 
"description_footer" : "", 
"description_long" : "",
"invoice_id" : "" - id of connected document, for example id of base document for recurring invoice,
"from_invoice_id" : "" - invoice id, on which basis the invoice was generated (useful when generating a VAT invoice from Proforma invoice),
"delivery_date" : "" - receipt date of the document (only in expenses),
"buyer_company" : "1" - is buyer a company or private person,
"additional_invoice_field" : "" - value of the additional invoice field, Settings > Account settings > Configuration > Invoices and documents > Additional invoice field, 
   		"product_id" : "1", 
   		"name" : "InvoiceOcean Basic", 
   		"additional_info" : "", - additional information on invoice position 
   		"discount_percent" : "", - percentage discount (note: in order for the discount to be calculated, you need to set field 'show_discount' to 1 and before issuing check if in Account Settings, field: "How to calculate discount" is set to 'percentage from unit gross price')
   		"discount" : "", - amount discount (note: in order for the discount to be calculated, you need to set field 'show_discount' to 1 and before issuing check if in Account Settings, field: "How to calculate discount" is set to "amount")
   		"quantity" : "1", 
   		"quantity_unit" : "unit", 
   		"price_net" : "59,00", - if not entered it will be calculated
   		"tax" : "23", 
   		"price_gross" : "72,57", - if not entered it will be calculated
   		"total_price_net" : "59,00", - if not entered it will be calculated
   		"total_price_gross" : "72,57"
"calculating_strategy" => 
  "position": "default" or "keep_gross" - calculation method for invoice positions 
  "sum": "sum" or "keep_gross" or "keep_net" - invoice positions summation method
  "invoice_form_price_kind": "net" or "gross" - unit price visible on the invoice

Field entries

Field: kind

	"vat" - VAT invoice
	"proforma" -  Proforma invoice
	"bill" - bill
	"receipt" - receipt
	"advance" - advance invoice
	"final" - final invoice
	"correction" - Credit Note
	"vat_mp" - MP invoice 
	"invoice_other" - other invoice 
	"vat_margin" - margin invoice
	"kp" - cash received
	"kw" - cash disbursed
	"estimate" - Estimate

Field: lang

	"pl" - Polish
	"en" - English
	"de" - German
	"fr" - French
	"cz" - Czech
	"ru" - Russian
	"es" - Spanish
	"it" - Italian
	"nl" - Dutch
	"hr" - Croatian

Field: income

	"1" - income invoice
	"0" - cost invoice

Field: payment_type

	"transfer" - transfer
	"card" - card
	"cash" -  cash

Field: status

	"issued" - issued
	"sent" - sent
	"paid" - paid
	"partial" - partially paid

Field: discount_kind - discount kind

	"percent_unit" - calculated from the unit price
	"percent_total" - calculated from the total price
	"amount" - amount
Clients list
curl "http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/clients.json?api_token=API_TOKEN&page=1"
Searching clients by name, e-mail, shortcut or tax no.
curl "http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/clients.json?api_token=API_TOKEN&name=CLIENT_NAME"
curl "http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/clients.json?api_token=API_TOKEN&email=EMAIL_ADDRESS"
curl "http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/clients.json?api_token=API_TOKEN&shortcut=SHORT_NAME"
curl "http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/clients.json?api_token=API_TOKEN&tax_no=TAX_NO"
Get selected client by ID
curl "http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/clients/100.json?api_token=API_TOKEN"
Adding clients
curl http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/clients.json \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
        "client": {
            "name": "Klient1",
            "tax_no": "5252445767",
            "bank" : "bank1",
            "bank_account" : "bank_account1",
            "city" : "city1",
            "country" : "",
            "email" : "bank1",
            "person" : "person1",
            "post_code" : "post-code1",
            "phone" : "phone1",
            "street" : "street1",
            "street_no" : "street-no1"
Client update
curl http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/clients/111.json \
    -X PUT \
    -H 'Accept: application/json'  \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \
    -d '{"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
        "client": {
            "name": "Klient2",
            "tax_no": "52524457672",
            "bank" : "bank2",
            "bank_account" : "bank_account2",
            "city" : "city2",
            "country" : "PL",
            "email" : "bank2",
            "person" : "person2",
            "post_code" : "post-code2",
            "phone" : "phone2",
            "street" : "street2",
            "street_no" : "street-no2"
Products list
curl "http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/products.json?api_token=API_TOKEN&page=1"
Products list with storage quantities for a specific magazine
curl "http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/products.json?api_token=API_TOKEN&warehouse_id=WAREHOUSE_ID&page=1"
Get selected product by ID
curl "http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/products/100.json?api_token=API_TOKEN"
Get selected product by ID with storage quantity for a specific magazine
curl "http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/products/100.json?api_token=API_TOKEN&warehouse_id=WAREHOUSE_ID"
Adding products
curl http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/products.json \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  \
    -d '{"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
        "product": {
            "name": "PoroductAA",
            "code": "A001",
            "price_net": "100",
            "tax": "23"
Product update
curl http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/products/333.json \
    -X PUT \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
        "product": {
            "name": "PoroductAA2",
            "code": "A0012",
            "price_gross": "102",
	    "tax": "23"

Warning: Net price is calculated from the gross price and tax values, and cannot be changed directly through the API.

List of price lists
curl "https://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/price_lists.json?api_token=API_TOKEN"

you can pass the same parameters that are provided in the application (on the invoice list page)

Adding price list
curl https://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/price_lists.json
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
                -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
                -d '{
                "api_token": "API_TOKEN",
                "price_list": {
                    "name": "Price list name",
		    "description": "Description",
		    "currency": "EUR",
                    "price_list_positions_attributes": {
		    	"0": {
				"priceable_id": "Product ID",
				"priceable_name": "Product name",
				"priceable_type": "Product",
				"use_percentage": "0",
				"percentage": "",
				"price_net": "111.0",
				"price_gross": "136.53",
				"use_tax": "1",
				"tax": "23"
Price list update
curl https://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/price_lists/100.json
		-X PUT
                -H 'Accept: application/json'
                -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
                -d '{
                "api_token": "API_TOKEN",
                "price_list": {
                    "name": "Price list name",
		    "description": "Description",
		    "currency": "EUR",
Deleting price list
curl -X DELETE "https://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/price_lists/100.json?api_token=API_TOKEN"

Fields description

  • city - City from the sender's address
  • client_id - ID of the client who makes the payment
  • comment - Comment for the client
  • country - Country from the sender's address
  • currency - Currency of the payment
  • department_id - ID of the department that the client belongs to
  • description - Payment description
  • email - Email of the sender
  • first_name - First name of the sender
  • generate_invoice - If generate an invoice that would match the payment
  • invoice_city - City of the generated invoice's address
  • invoice_comment - Comment for the generated invoice
  • invoice_country - Country of the generated invoice's address
  • invoice_id - ID of the invoice being paid for
  • invoice_name - Name of the client on the generated invoice
  • invoice_post_code - Post code of the generated invoice's address
  • nvoice_street - Street of the generated invoice's address
  • invoice_tax_no - Tax no. on the generated invoice
  • last_name - Last name of the sender
  • name - Name of the sender
  • oid - ID of the order that is paid for
  • paid - If the payment is already paid
  • paid_date - Date when the payment was made
  • phone - Phone of the sender
  • post_code - Post code from the sender's address
  • price - Price of the product that was paid for
  • product_id - ID of the product that was paid for
  • promocode - Promocode that was used with the payment
  • provider - Name of the payment provider (for online payments)
  • provider_response - Response of the payment provider
  • provider_status - Status of the payment according to the provider
  • provider_title - Title of the payment provider
  • quantity - Quantity of the item that was paid for
  • street - Street from the sender's address
  • kind - payment kind (where it comes from). In case of API it should be set to "api".

Listing all payments


curl "http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/banking/payments.xml?api_token=API_TOKEN"


curl "http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/banking/payments.json?api_token=API_TOKEN"

Select payment using ID


curl "http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/banking/payments/100.xml?api_token=API_TOKEN"


curl "http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/banking/payment/100.json?api_token=API_TOKEN"

Adding new payment

Minimal JSON (recommended)

curl #{domain}/banking/payments.json 
	-H 'Accept: application/json'  
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json'  
	-d '{
		"api_token": "#{api_token}",
		"banking_payment": {	
			"name":"Payment 001",
			"price": 100.05,
			"invoice_id": null,
			"kind": "api"

Full JSON (recommended)

curl #{domain}/banking/payments.json 
	-H 'Accept: application/json'  
	-H 'Content-Type: application/json'  
	-d '{
		"api_token": "#{api_token}",
		"banking_payment": {	
			"city": null,
			"description":"abonament roczny",
			"invoice_name":"Company name",
			"invoice_street":"street 52",
			"name":"Plantnosc za produkt1",
			"kind": "api"
Departments list
curl "http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/departments.json?api_token=API_TOKEN"

Get selected department by ID

curl "http://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/departments/100.json?api_token=API_TOKEN"

Create new department

curl https://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/departments.json 
				-H 'Accept: application/json'  
				-H 'Content-Type: application/json'  
				-d '{
				"api_token": "API_TOKEN",
				"department": {
					"shortcut": "short_name",
					"tax_no": "-"

Delete selected department by ID

curl -X DELETE "https://YOUR_DOMAIN.invoiceocean.com/departments/100.json?api_token=API_TOKEN"



Ruby Gem for InvoiceOcean.com integration: https://github.com/kkempin/fakturownia/