
Adapter for energy counter Энергомера CE102M

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New adapter for Энергомера CE102M by RS-485?
Product page description

Protocol IEC 61107.
Proticol description at page 68

Baud Rate: 9600
Data Bits: 7
Parity Check: even
Stop Bits: 1

Is this available in an other language then russian? English maybe?

PS: If it is really IEC 61107 then the Smartmeter adapter should already support that ... called "D0" protocol in germany, supported by this adapter using IR

It is IEC 61107 by the documentation.
I read it in russian edition 2011 year. It say that document is equal to international standart IEC 61107:1996 Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and toad control. Direct local data exchange.
As I read in google this standart (61107) is replaced by IEC 62056. This is link to english version of 62056.

Thank you, yes seems to be D0 protocol ... if you can use IR then smartmeter adapter should do the job, if RS485 then you need to get the data to the host somehow (USB stick or such) and then smartmetrr adapter could work too because this adapter is just communication with a serial device

I tryed adapter.
I use usb2rs485 adapter (ch341). IOB on raspberry pi3b+ with raspbian.

My electric meter has its own application admintools for windows. I checked connection with it and the same adapter usb2rs485. It works. There is log from terminal Admintools:
09.06.2020 22:22:19.144
COM4 открыт (opened)

Запрос (request)
09.06.2020 22:22:19.191
2F 3F 31 33 32 37 33 34 38 34 39 21 0D 0A /?132734849!..

Ответ (answer)
09.06.2020 22:22:19.457
2F 45 4B 54 /EKT

09.06.2020 22:22:19.584
35 43 45 31 30 32 4D 76 30 31 0D 0A 5CE102Mv01..

09.06.2020 22:22:19.600
06 30 35 31 0D 0A .051..

09.06.2020 22:22:19.850
01 50 30 .P0

09.06.2020 22:22:19.912
02 28 31 33 32 37 33 34 38 34 39 29 03 2F .(132734849)./

09.06.2020 22:22:19.928
01 50 31 02 28 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 03 77 .P1.(000000).w

09.06.2020 22:22:20.162
06 .

09.06.2020 22:22:20.260
01 52 31 02 53 4E 55 4D 42 28 29 03 5E .R1.SNUMB().^

09.06.2020 22:22:20.525
02 .

09.06.2020 22:22:20.625
53 4E 55 4D 42 28 30 31 30 37 34 38 31 33 32 37 SNUMB(0107481327
33 34 38 34 39 29 0D 0A 03 7D 34849)...}

09.06.2020 22:22:20.641
01 42 30 03 75 .B0.u

There is my preferences in smartmeter adapter:

There is log:

If you need to "send" something as Ack or "sing in" message then you should not select "serial read only" but need to select bi directional communication.

Also for the signin command ... what is that number? Your device id? is it required to be set? Please put it in the relevant field above the "signin command" field in adapter config and please revert the signin command to "?" again because this is all handled by the adapter.

Please set Adapter to debug log (instances - expert mode - column log level) and then run ist with this config. Then compare the logfile with your admintool output from above and/or post here.

The only think that looks strange is the response partse because it is not "OBIS" format with the "P1" and "R1" and "SNUMB", so it could be that communication works, but protokol is different :-(

But even then a full log would help to understand whats needed here

I have just updated my post with log. Something hapens...
Number is last 9 digits from device ID. Last time I used it as device address.
Also device have password xxxxxx (6 digits).

Sorry it seems I was not fast enough with downloading ... :-( Just upload here please or upload again

Sorry it seems I was not fast enough with downloading ... :-( Just upload here please or upload again


Not for myself: Downloaded into Downloads/ +

Meeee @ximonline sorry not helfpful ... loglines are cutted. Please get log from iobroker logfile on disk! (normally /opt/iobroker/log/...)

In fact (because I see at least "some" parts of the content ... it is D0 protocol on communication level, but the message is not "standard D0" because the fields are not OBIS format as used in germany, so I need to enhance the parsing ...

To understand the data format I would need the "ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ Д" from the ce102m_re_full.pdf somehow translated :-(