
Opacity in background color for legend

harvey637 opened this issue · 1 comments

the colorpicker shows a slider for opacity, which might come desirable in background for legend.

Editing the echart object prooves, that opacity is evaluated. So I get a background for legend that makes reading of the text easier and still keeps some visibility to the rendered datapoints in the chart.

Who do I use this from the echarts gui?
Slider in colorpicker does not work :-( (all modes)
Editing opacity field in colorpicker is not saved :-(

Possibly this is not important/usefull with datapoints or markings, as the areafill is selectable (but only coarse, finer adjustment on the "light" side might be nice).

Thank you for looking into this

I still think this is an important feature, as it is already ther in the color picker widget.#
so it seems to me not too complicated to use the option given by the color picker and use (and store) them for echart colors.

Please think about implementation - thank you!