
ioBroker behind nginx Proxy - Nodered does not work

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi there,
my iobroker is installed as docker image and macvlan as network. On top I hide it behind an nginx (swag) proxy. It's working so far overall.

Nodered is bound to eth1 and port 1881 which I put behind an nginx proxy as well, I am able to open it via

My problems are the following:

  1. The "Node-RED" page in the menu does not open anything
  2. If I click the overview page I see there is a link to nodered, but this URL has two problems. It looks like this "httpundefined://". The first problem is httpundefined, the second is the internal IP which is docker internal, instead I'd like to use my external proxy url.

Any idea how to solve this?

Which admin version is used?

Maybe related to ioBroker/ioBroker.admin#2247 (comment)


Hi there, my iobroker is installed as docker image and macvlan as network. On top I hide it behind an nginx (swag) proxy. It's working so far overall.

Nodered is bound to eth1 and port 1881 which I put behind an nginx proxy as well, I am able to open it via

My problems are the following:

  1. The "Node-RED" page in the menu does not open anything
  2. If I click the overview page I see there is a link to nodered, but this URL has two problems. It looks like this "httpundefined://". The first problem is httpundefined, the second is the internal IP which is docker internal, instead I'd like to use my external proxy url.

Any idea how to solve this?

I raised a feature request (ioBroker/ioBroker.admin#2589) to modify the URLs - as IP addresses are in general no way to work properly.

For working with node-red you can ignore iobroker - and create the node-red URLs direct.

I rewrote the URLS first

location / {

                        if ($http_referer ~ "https://mwhomexxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/node-red"){
                                rewrite ^/(.*) /node-red/$1;

                        rewrite ^(/images/.*)$ /node-red$1;


and then I used two rules for redirecting - one for the editor and one for the dashboard.

location /node-red/ {

location /dashboard/ {

With iobroker ifself I have a lot problems so I gave it up, to define for each adapter own rules and the URLs of the tiles in the overview tab cannot be fixed in my opinion (this is why I raised the feature request.