
Attach "Today" to a channel/systemvariable

Closed this issue · 5 comments

would be very helpful if I could connect the state of "today"/"heute" with a channel or systemvariable. Would make this add-on much more helpful.

Hello Georg,
could you specify your suggestion?
Or do you mean this?
on("", "systemvariable"); // on change of today sync today with systemvariable

yes, thats what I mean - I know, I can do it with a script - but it would be easier to have it within the setup for "feiertage" especially for people who do not wanz to deal with scripts

Can you explain for which purpose someone would use a Systemvariable instead of the original adapter's datapoint "today"?

I would like to use the systemvariable within the programs on the CCU. Right now this is already done by a script - but, I'm running out of variables (max 200) and this script is using a lot of them. So I would like the Feiertage calculation being done in iobroker and the result used on the CCU.

:) of course I can add the script to iobroker. But I thought making things easy is a good idea for people who cannot or don't want to deal with scripts in iobroker :)

I think this feature would be to special. I do not see the benefit.