Adapter for the Homematic IP Cloud Accesspoint
- 0
- 3
V1.23.3 stucks on actualtemperature
#591 opened by Tom54497 - 20
- 0
- 2
Error in GUI! with Adapter Version 1.24.3
#590 opened by RP70DP - 14
'Token create' Button not existing
#579 opened by ralfnowak - 1
HmIP-HCU1 support
#589 opened by KristianHeider - 12
HMIP-RGBW Hue & SaturationLevel without function
#572 opened by LukasMS55 - 0
Compatibility check and testing for node.js 22
#588 opened by ioBroker-Bot - 1
- 1
- 4
Generation of token fails
#585 opened by gizmodlx - 0
Please delete
#581 opened by RP70DP - 64
"Create Token" isn't possible without PIN
#532 opened by RP70DP - 3
Typ-Fehler bei State hardwareColorTemperatureColdWhite und previousShutterLevel
#571 opened by tt-tom17 - 1
- 3
AxiosError: Request failed with status code 400
#538 opened by thoeckerde - 8
- 1
Minor Security Improvement: Make Use of "protectedNative" and "encryptedNative" for Sensitive Data
#534 opened by stevenengland - 5
- 1
Homematic IP Neue Home Control Unit ab Q4/24
#537 opened by bambi-arch - 1
thermostate temperature
#536 opened by hallerdavid - 2
Request Token not working
#533 opened by loskrachos - 2
- 0
Please support more options for HmIP-SMO
#528 opened by RP70DP - 6
Hmip BWTH Schaltzustand
#509 opened by JosefAuer84 - 11
HmIP WHS2 cannot be controlled
#522 opened by michiproep - 2
V1.21.0 HmIP-FBL shutterlevel no value anymore
#518 opened by DaniSchaer - 1
Evaluate removal of package DELAY
#504 opened by mcm1957 - 6
Werte vom Datenpunkt todayRainCounter
#508 opened by lolmeister77 - 2
- 1
- 0
[QA] reactiveate lint
#501 opened by mcm1957 - 4
DP accessPointPriority hat nur noch Null-Wert
#476 opened by bambi-arch - 4
Homatic EnergySensor HmIP-ESI support
#489 opened by michiproep - 8
PUSH_BUTTON_FLAT: don't get channel x.ON events
#485 opened by jmades - 0
- 0
- 0
#481 opened by iobroker-sentry-github-app - 0
- 0
- 5
- 1
- 2
HMIP-BROLL Info Meldung im Protokoll
#459 opened by SebeSebe - 3
- 0
- 12
HmIP-DSD-PCB DP channels.1.doorBellSensorEventTimestamp wird nicht aktualisiert
#452 opened by bambi-arch - 0
- 0
- 0
#456 opened by iobroker-sentry-github-app