
No connection to LG TV

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Since some days there's no connection to the LG TV.

Log looks like this:

debug TV is off
debug Connecting to WebOS TV: ws://

Version v1.1.12
js-controller: 5.0.12
WebOS: 03.33.65

I already tried reinstalling the adapter with no success.

Same problem here with a LG C3 TV.
I was never able to connect it. Has someone better experience with the connection to this TV?

Looks like duplicate of #123

Bitte mit 2.1.0 (ab heute Nachmittag im LATEST Repository) testen.
@danke an basti4557 der hier einige Fixes / Verbesserungen bereitgestellt hat.

Version 2.1.0 ist fehlerhaft. Bitte auf Version 2.1.1 warten

Please retest with 2.1.1.

If issue still exists, please repsond or open a new issue.