
Update stable version in repo from 1.3.2 to 1.3.3

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Think about update stable version to 1.3.3

Version: stable=1.3.2 (309 days old) => latest=1.3.3 (15 days old)
Installs: stable=1162 (77.78%), latest=144 (9.64%), total=1494

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should wait for 1.3.4 I assume, so I close here.

@TA2k please comment if you think 1.3.3 should be anyway before 1.3.4 has some latest time

@TA2k Thanks very much for using standard ways for 1.3.4 including adding releasenotes to
If you ever feel need to help to reduces your load caused by organizational things please let me know.
And THANK YOU for maintaining the great number of adapters with an excellent quality.