
Please consider fixing issues detected by repository checker

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Notification from ioBroker Check and Service Bot

Dear adapter developer,

I'm the ioBroker Check and Service Bot. I'm an automated tool processing routine tasks for the ioBroker infrastructure. I have recently checked the repository for your adapter xs1 for common errors and appropiate suggestions to keep this adapter up to date.

Please see the result of the check below.


Downloads Number of Installations (latest) Number of Installations (stable) - Test and Release



  • 👀 [W106] "common.titleLang" should not contain word "adapter" in the name. It is clear, that this is adapter. Now: {"en":"EZcontrol XS1 adapter","de":"EZcontrol XS1 Adapter","ru":"EZcontrol XS1 адаптер","pt":"Adaptador EZcontrol XS1","nl":"XS1 adapter","fr":"Adaptateur EZcontrol XS1","it":"Adattatore EZcontrol XS1","es":"Adaptador EZcontrol XS1","pl":"EZPR XS1","uk":"Адаптер EZcontrol XS1","zh-cn":"EZ控制 XS1适应者"}
  • 👀 [W106] "common.titleLang" should not contain word "adapter" in the name. It is clear, that this is adapter. Now: {"en":"EZcontrol XS1 adapter","de":"EZcontrol XS1 Adapter","ru":"EZcontrol XS1 адаптер","pt":"Adaptador EZcontrol XS1","nl":"XS1 adapter","fr":"Adaptateur EZcontrol XS1","it":"Adattatore EZcontrol XS1","es":"Adaptador EZcontrol XS1","pl":"EZPR XS1","uk":"Адаптер EZcontrol XS1","zh-cn":"EZ控制 XS1适应者"}
  • 👀 [W106] "common.titleLang" should not contain word "adapter" in the name. It is clear, that this is adapter. Now: {"en":"EZcontrol XS1 adapter","de":"EZcontrol XS1 Adapter","ru":"EZcontrol XS1 адаптер","pt":"Adaptador EZcontrol XS1","nl":"XS1 adapter","fr":"Adaptateur EZcontrol XS1","it":"Adattatore EZcontrol XS1","es":"Adaptador EZcontrol XS1","pl":"EZPR XS1","uk":"Адаптер EZcontrol XS1","zh-cn":"EZ控制 XS1适应者"}
  • 👀 [W145] Missing suggested translation into ru,pt,nl,fr,it,es,pl,uk,zh-cn of some "" in io-package.json.
  • 👀 [W184] "common.main" is deprecated and ignored. Please remove from io-package.json. Use "main" at package.json instead.
  • 👀 [W522] Please consider migrating to admin 5 UI (jsonConfig).
  • 👀 [W853] .npmignore found - consider using package.json object "files" instead.

Please review issues reported and consider fixing them as soon as appropiate.

Errors reported by repository checker should be fixed as soon as possible. Some of them require a new release to be considered as fixed. Please note that errors reported by checker might be considered as blocking point for future updates at stable repository.

Warnings reported by repository checker should be reviewed. While some warnings can be considered as a suggestion and be ignored due to good reasons or a dedicated decision of the developer, most warnings should be fixed as soon as appropiate.

Feel free to contact me (@ioBroker-Bot) if you have any questions or feel that an issue is incorrectly flagged.

And THANKS A LOT for maintaining this adapter from me and all users.
Let's work together for the best user experience.

ioBroker Check and Service Bot

@mcm1957 for evidence

This issue has been replaced by new isse #114
This issue can be closed.

ioBroker Check and Service Bot