
Set side-bar font-family

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Hello, first of all I wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for this extension, it finally allows me to control the UI the way I want to. Definitely going to buy you a coffee!!

I'm using this to set the font of the explorer view:

    "customizeUI.stylesheet": {
        ".explorer-viewlet .mac": "font-family: Iosevka; overflow: auto;",

Is there any way to do the same for all the fonts in the new secondary side-bar? (i.e. the one on the right of the window.)

Is there a guide or list of common UI items that people customize? I tried using dev tools to find the side-bar css objects, but couldn't figure out the right one to use (or at least, none of my attempts worked)

Thank you, and sorry to add an issue to ask a question.