
An error occurred when I compiled with GCC

Zeng1998 opened this issue · 2 comments

ubuntu 20.04
isolate latest

The following are my operations and errors, I have no idea what happened

isolate --init
isolate -b 0 --run /usr/bin/gcc main.c


int main(){
    printf("hello world\n");
    return 0;

the error

gcc: error: vfork: Resource temporarily unavailable
Exited with error status 1

I think you should add the -p flag to allow GCC to fork.

Thus, your command would be: isolate -b 0 -p --run /usr/bin/gcc main.c.

I think you should add the -p flag to allow GCC to fork.

Thus, your command would be: isolate -b 0 -p --run /usr/bin/gcc main.c.

Yes, you're right. Thanks