
Add a chapter on checking for the success condition

Closed this issue · 6 comments

After the character is able to move and push boxes around, checking for the success condition is a good next step. Maybe a "You Win!" message is displayed.

Yep, great idea! I actually have some code for this in this folder but it needs probably a rebase off of the latest sample code and some tweaking. Plus writing up in md as a section.

Cool, I'll take a crack at adapting the code in that folder for solving a one-block puzzle.

I made some progress on writing the chapter for this today. I'll keep working on it.

will have a look probably this weekend! 😄

had a quick peek, looks amazing @wbprice! might need a rebase as the CI config has changed a bit. I've added an 08 folder in master (just a copy of 07), so when you create the PR we should have a nice diff off the code additions.