
UI doesn't work / is garbled.

Opened this issue · 8 comments

This is a wonderful idea, thank you for making it!

I copied the binary out of the .deb package just to try running it since I'm on Arch (I also had to install scrot - perhaps this could be listed in the readme?).

The functionality works, however this is what it displays:

I have two monitors if that is an issue.

Interestingly it seems to display fine if I don't have scrot installed (without images of course, and it does crash after a few moments).

Thank you for raising this issue. Yes, indeed I should have mentioned scrot in the README.

I will do my best to fix this issue and I'm happy that this project is useful for other people not just me.

I did not test with two monitors, I will test this case.

@Cosmic-Goat I fixed some issues and created a new version - v0.2.0 . Could you please download this version and retest the aplication? I added a i3-switcher-x11-bin-0.2.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst package in the Releases page and updated the README with installation instructions. Now scrot is not needed.

Thank you so much for this and for being so kind and helpful! I also really appreciate the creation of an arch package :)

Unfortunately it now gives me the following error when I try to run it:

X Error of failed request:  BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)
  Major opcode of failed request:  33 (X_GrabKey)
  Serial number of failed request:  10
  Current serial number in output stream:  10

I wish I had more time at the moment to look into this, but I definitely want to contribute when I get the opportunity! I've asked a friend to try it out and take a look as well, so hopefully they will have some feedback soon.

Thank you for your interest. The error you're experiencing may be due to another application that has locked the Alt+Tab key binding. You will need to unlock or release this key binding in the conflicting application.

Ah, you're right! I had Alt+Tab assigned in my i3 config. After removing that it now runs, however the issue of not displaying correctly still persists (it still looks the same as in the screenshot). I tried disabling my second monitor and turning off my compositor but that did not make a difference.

Also, it seems to load one cpu core to 100% when running / displaying. Not sure if that is related to the issue.

Ok, I will continue the investigation.

@Cosmic-Goat If you run the i3-switcher-x11 app from the command line, do you see any errors there?

@iondodon Apologies for the delayed response! I see no output on the command line. Once I have some free time I'll clone the repo and try debugging it myself (if you don't manage to solve it by then).