
Run SimpleVisor on Xen

Closed this issue · 5 comments

The Xen supports Nested Virtualization, that means I can run Xen or KVM hypervisor inside a virtual machine of Xen, however I can't run SimpleVisor on Xen.

Is it able to run SimpleVisor inside a vitual machine of Xen?

Can you report back why it doesn't work? What failure are you seeing? Are you able to run Hyper-V under Xen?

Hyper-V doesn't work on Xen natively with 4.9, but there are some patches that we have proposed to OpenXT that provides Hyper-V support for Xen. Does SimpleVisor support VMWare yet? If not, Xen certainly won't work. I know that for KVM we had to play some tricks with the debug registers Bareflank as they are not supported in KVM.

@ionescu007 When I run SimpleVisor inside a virtual machine of Xen, the virtual machine hangs, maybe the Nested Virtualization function is not mature.

Nested virtualization in Xen is not supported at all, but it does work. SimpleVisor should be able to support it. My guess is it's something silly.