
iOS 13 Dark Mode issues

randnetdd opened this issue · 0 comments

KeyboardStyle will be Light from next time when you open the keyboard with APPEARANCE set to Dark on iOS 13.
It is probably because keyboardStyle is overwritten by onKeyboardWillShow.

- (void)onKeyboardWillShow:(NSNotification *)note
    if (hideTimer != nil) {
        [hideTimer invalidate];
    CGRect rect = [[note.userInfo valueForKey:UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] CGRectValue];
    double height = rect.size.height;
    if (self.isWK) {
        double duration = [[note.userInfo valueForKey:UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey] doubleValue];
        [self setKeyboardHeight:height delay:duration+0.2];
        [self resetScrollView];
    if (self.keyboardStyle) { // <---------This check--------------
        [self setKeyboardStyle:self.keyboardStyle];
    NSString *js = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Keyboard.fireOnShowing(%d);", (int)height];
    [self.commandDelegate evalJs:js];