
Ionic 3 ios (iphone) : How to prevent keyboard hiding on click of button

mkgareja opened this issue · 0 comments

I m working on the chat application ionic 3 ios.
so on click of the send button keyboard should remain open.
for android, it's working fine but for ios no luck.
I gave up now its more than a month.

I tried following things but it's not working.
(1) this.sndbtn.setFocus();
(2) $event.preventDefault()


<ion-footer [class]="className" [keyboardAttach]="content" id="input-footer">
                   <ion-icon name="list-box" tappable (click)="openModal()"></ion-icon>
                       <ion-item class="input-item">
                           <ion-input #sndbtn id="msg" [disabled]="currentChatStatus (keypress)="addNewMsg($event, selectedChat)" class="msg-input-box"> </ion-input>
                   <button ion-button (touchstart)="addNewMsg($event);$event.preventDefault()">
                       <ion-icon name="paper-plane"></ion-icon>