
blink red when back navigation

bdhwan opened this issue · 4 comments

스크린샷 2021-10-22 오전 1 15 31

스크린샷 2021-10-22 오전 1 15 45

스크린샷 2021-10-22 오전 1 15 52

스크린샷 2021-10-22 오전 1 15 57

I add portalview in my fragment.
And go Other fragment.
And go Back.
Always blink red light.
Only PortalView area hppened.

How can i fix it?

The reason was capacitor R.layout.fragment_bridge's background color was set android:background="#F0FF1414". is there any way to change or delete it?

Hi there, I noticed you closed this issue. Was this still a problem for you?

yes. if there is better solution. i fixed it by download all portal code and change layout file.

We'll look at getting this fixed next release. It wasn't intended for there to be a red background on this view. Thank you for reporting it