
Updates for latest release

stevenhurth opened this issue · 3 comments

Not really an issue, but more of an inquiry.

I was just curious if there are intentions on updating the ionic-vue-conference-app to work with the latest and greatest?

I started down the road of upgrading all the npm dependancies, and got pretty far.

I got stuck in the types for VueX, and I'm not yet proficient enough with Typescript to unravel this easily.

This is the type of error I'm getting:

ERROR in ionic-vue-conference-app-master/src/store/index.ts(20,5):
20:5 Type 'Module<SessionState, {}>' is not assignable to type 'Module<any, StoreState>'.
  Type '{}' is not assignable to type 'StoreState'.
    18 |   modules: {
    19 |     locations,
  > 20 |     sessions,
       |     ^
    21 |     speakers,
    22 |     user
    23 |   },

and similar for all the other modules in the VueX store.

Yes, this should be updated to latest and greatest. @treetopdevs can you share repository , you got up to so far.

Yes, please update to latest, as of writing it's 5.6.10.