
Ionic Insights: Could not send insights. Error: Unsuccessful HTTP response

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Just getting started out, I follow this:

My code:

app.config(function($ionicCloudProvider) {
    "core": {
      "app_id": "12115738"

and there's this request which fails: POST


{"meta": {"status": 422, "request_id": "fb3140cd-d05e-473d-c7dd-af61472a8e25", "version": "2.0.0-beta.0"}, "error": {"link": null, "details": [{"parameter": "insights.0.app_id", "errors": ["Missing data for required field."], "error_type": "required"}], "message": "An error occurred while validating the request parameters.", "type": "UnprocessableEntity"}}

What do I need to do?

Same thing is happening to me

I have same problem, this is my request:


For those running into this issue and simply want to disable insights see: #164