
Feat: hide the logs

luisbytes opened this issue · 5 comments

I wish it were possible to hide the logs in @trapezedev/configure and @trapezedev/project.

Currently, when running any action with these two libraries, logs are displayed in the console.

hey @luisbytes, I actually forked this project about a month back with the specific purpose of reducing it's logging output...

unfortunately I then went down a bunch of different rabbitholes, finding and fixing many other issues as well, and I'm quite sure that I've still missed a few places where logging output could and should be "controlled" more tightly. hence the fact that I haven't opened a PR here yet with these changes.

anyways, if you're still looking at this, maybe check out my fork over here. it makes use of debug-js/debug to conditionally and/or programmatically control what gets logged.

I temporarily un-excluded the dist folder in Git for my feature branch and committed the build output, which allows installation from GitHub directly. but you will still need to use something like Vercel's gitpkg to install packages from Git repo subdirectories, or just clone it yourself and install from a local path.

do take note: I only use Trapeze from custom NodeJS scripts, not through it's own CLI package, so I only updated files in the project package. this is used internally by the configure package anyway, so it does affect the CLI output, but there may still be other areas in the CLI code directly that could benefit from these same sort of changes.

@mlynch, just out of curiosity, are there any open discussions at the moment regarding Trapeze's runtime logging output? or just use this issue for that purpose? or even a "GitHub Discussion" to work out what the "GitHub Issue" should define?

@ZaLiTHkA Hello, thank you very much for your contribution, it seems to me that this project is somewhat abandoned, @mlynch was the CEO and co-founder of Ionic, it seems that he was the only maintainer of this project but he is no longer in the company. I don't know if they will abandon this project. I think the ionic extension for vs code uses this package so maybe they maintain it.

@ZaLiTHkA Hello, thank you very much for your contribution, it seems to me that this project is somewhat abandoned, @mlynch was the CEO and co-founder of Ionic, it seems that he was the only maintainer of this project but he is no longer in the company. I don't know if they will abandon this project. I think the ionic extension for vs code uses this package so maybe they maintain it.

wow, ok.. that actually caught me by surprise, just found a blog post on his new website that explains that one. it kinda sucks that there is no mention of that change in this project, not sure about any of his other projects though..

NPM trends shows some pretty steady growth over the last year, up to a current 20k-odd weekly downloads for @trapezedev/configure and 75k-odd weekly for @trapezedev/project, so I guess that someone will need to take over maintenance at some point. checking this repo's contributors, it looks like Trapeze was effectively "just Max", since the second-highest contributor only made 4 commits.

I'm tempted to offer to do just that because I find it very useful, but hesitant to do so because I don't know if I have enough free time for such a commitment. with that said, I will at least be making a few more commits in my fork, fixing issues and improving annoyances that I find in the project.

with Max's departure from the team, could someone else from @ionic-team perhaps chime in here and let us know what the plan is for the Trapeze project?