
Incorrect handling of NLB forwarding rule targets

benschmi opened this issue · 0 comments


The targets of a network load balancer forwarding rules are not always returned in the same order by the Cloud API. The Terraform provider does not handle this correctly. On every subsequent apply, TF will want to update (in-place) all target IPs.

Expected behavior

The order is which the Cloud API returns the targets should be irrelevant. It should not trigger replace of this resource.


Terraform version:

Terraform v1.1.5
on darwin_amd64
+ provider v6.1.3

Configuration Files

// Network Load Balancer

resource "ionoscloud_networkloadbalancer" "nlb" {
  datacenter_id =
  name          = "nlb"
  listener_lan  =
  target_lan    =
  ips           = [ionoscloud_ipblock.nlb_IP.ips[0]]

data "ionoscloud_networkloadbalancer" "nlb" {
  datacenter_id =
  name            = "nlb"

// NLB Forwarding Rule

resource "ionoscloud_networkloadbalancer_forwardingrule" "nlb_fr_01" {
 datacenter_id =
 networkloadbalancer_id =
 name = "fr-01"
 algorithm = "RANDOM"
 protocol = "TCP"
 listener_ip = ionoscloud_ipblock.nlb_IP.ips[0]
 listener_port = "80"
 dynamic "targets" {
     for_each = var.IPs

     content {
        ip = cidrhost(data.ionoscloud_networkloadbalancer.nlb.lb_private_ips[0], targets.value)
        port = "31234"
        weight = "1"
        health_check {
            check = true
            check_interval = 1000

var.IPs contains all possible IPs (11-240).

How to Reproduce

  1. Create NLB and forwarding rules with above config
  2. terraform apply
  3. terraform apply again

Error and Debug Output

# ionoscloud_networkloadbalancer_forwardingrule.nlb_fr_01 will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "ionoscloud_networkloadbalancer_forwardingrule" "nlb_fr_01" {
        id                     = "a6f4be09-eb5f-49fb-b951-ec84f71ecf8e"
        name                   = "fr-01"
        # (6 unchanged attributes hidden)

      ~ targets {
          ~ ip     = "" -> ""
            # (2 unchanged attributes hidden)

            # (1 unchanged block hidden)
      ~ targets {
          ~ ip     = "" -> ""
            # (2 unchanged attributes hidden)

Additional Notes

This also happens every now and then to the datacenter features:

Note: Objects have changed outside of Terraform

Terraform detected the following changes made outside of Terraform since the last "terraform apply":

  # ionoscloud_datacenter.publicK8s has changed
  ~ resource "ionoscloud_datacenter" "publicK8s" {
      ~ features            = [
            # (5 unchanged elements hidden)
          - "vnf-fw",
          + "vnf-fw",
            # (15 unchanged elements hidden)