
improve ssh_key handling

firecyberice opened this issue · 4 comments


When I create a ssh-key with terraform I need to save it to a file to be usable by:

resource "ionoscloud_server" "example" {
    name                  = "Server Example"
    ssh_key_path     = ["path/to/key1", "path/to/key2"]


Attempted Solutions

I would prefer to have something like ssh_keys = ["ssh key 1", "ssh key 2"] instead. Please note the plural form keys as it is an array and not just a single key(string)


For backwards compatibility one can adjust the resource like depicted in this example.


// Current way of handling keys
variable "ssh_key_path" {
  type = list(string)
  default = [

resource "local_file" "ssh_pub" {
  for_each        = toset(var.ssh_key_path)
  content         = format("ssh rsa ... %s", each.value)
  file_permission = 0600
  filename        = each.value

// New way of handling keys
variable "ssh_key" {
  type    = list(string)
  default = ["ssh rsa ... keyA", "ssh rsa ... keyB"]

locals {
// This for loop can also be added directly to the ionos resource
  path_content = try([for i in var.ssh_key_path : trim(file(i),
  "\n")], ["a", "b"])

output "keys" {
  value = {
    path         = var.ssh_key_path
    path_content = local.path_content
    key_content  = var.ssh_key

You just need to execute:

terraform fmt && terraform init && terraform validate
terraform apply -auto-approve # to create the demo key files
terraform apply -auto-approve # to create the correct output 
terraform output -json keys | jq '.'

# cleanup afterwards
terraform destroy -auto-approve
rm -rf .terraform terraform.tfstate* .terraform.lock.hcl


Other Cloud providers also reference the file content directly. And they manage sshkeys as dedicated resources.

Thanks for creating this, it's an interesting suggestion. We will take a look and prioritize accordingly.

Maybe we can allow ssk_key_path to take also keys directly, not only files and put a note that it will be renamed at a certain date to ssh_keys.

re-open until release