
Data Source k8s cluster `server` attribute

Closed this issue · 2 comments


The docs say that the k8s cluster data source should have an server attribute that should be the same as config[0].clusters[0].cluster.server. But this functionality was never implemented.

cd7297c introduced the wrong documentation.

The source code seems to support it, but lacks the server variable assignment:

// this doesn't do anything, nothing is assigned to server variable
if err := d.Set("server", server); err != nil {
return err

Expected behavior

Either remove the incomplete and never working implemention of the server attribute and update the documentation accordingly or make the server attribute work as described in the documentation.

Hello and thank you for raising this! I will take a look.

Either remove the incomplete and never working implemention of the server attribute and update the documentation accordingly or make the server attribute work as described in the documentation.

Seems the server value parsed from the kubeconfig was never set in the terraform state, we'll add a fix for it.