
TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'startsWith' [redux-subspace]

TheHolyWaffle opened this issue · 1 comments

Is it a bug, feature request or question?

Bug, exception is thrown in console when using Internet Explorer 11

Which package(s) does this involve?


Expected Behavior

No exception is thrown.

Current Behavior

The following exception is thrown:
TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'startsWith'

const isGlobal = (action) => !action.type || action.globalAction === true || action.type.startsWith(REDUX_PREFIX)

Possible Solution

Don't use String.prototype.startsWith in order to support older environments

package version(s)
redux 4.0.1
redux-subspace 3.1.0
Internet Explorer 11

Happy to accept a PR replacing the call with something more supported.