POSIX locale crashes with compliance checker CF checks.
benjwadams opened this issue · 1 comments
Running CF checker with POSIX locale will crash due to decoding issues.
Version of compliance checker running:
current master
Describe the checker this affects:
The ACDD, IOOS, and CF checkers are currently considered in scope for the purposes of the issue tracking on this repository. Issues with other plugins should be placed into their respective repositories.
At least CF.
Attach a minimal CDL or NetCDF file which is able to reproduce the issue
Seems to affect any check due to CF
To Reproduce:
List the steps or command line to run to reproduce the issue
Run the checker against a file checking CF conventions while using a POSIX (possibly others too) locale.
Describe the issue below:
Any additional detail or information relevant to the issue
This seems to happen with older Python versions. For example, 3.9 does not appear affected.