
Quality Control Process and Procedures Examples

Opened this issue · 5 comments

The RA DAC managers are collectively discussing quality control test and procedure implementations, and thus I have been looking at some of the links you have sent me previously. The team is looking for how qc tests have been applied by others. The following comments represent examples from different organizations, federal and regional, of different applied quality control procedures.

CDIP Quality Control Procedure Examples

CDIP’s Quality Control procedures have been written up here.,2,3&xitem=proc#quality
Please note that our QC procedures have been an evolution for over 35 years and in it’s current form you can consider it as going though several layers/stages.

  • Realtime QC tests are listed in
    • This table has descriptions associated with each test and some have pictures and examples.
    • Depending on the sensor type some tests apply some do not. The table should help clarity.
  • All errors are logged, some emailed, and depending on the severity, some events are paged to someone who’s on call 24/7.
    • Attached you should find some documents on our NetCDF qc and flagging.
    • Also attached is an actual error log from one of our buoy stations.
  • Once a month all our station data is automatically reprocessed. Visual inspections are also performed.
  • When a buoy’s logger card is recovered the data is reprocessed again, visual inspections are performed, and netcdf files generated with qc flags.

All exceedances of thresh hold errors receive visual (human) inspections daily, if needed, not just at the end of the month.

CO-OPS' Quality control process is described in the document NWLON/DMS Quality Control Software (QC): Functional Requirements Document accessible from this link.

For lack of a better place ... This repo has no README file yet. It only has issues. But it would be helpful to have somewhere a link to their ASA/CBIBS QARTOD tests Python code, so here it is:
Still, this information really belongs in a more visible location, like a README

I will create a README that contains the links to the CBIBS QARTOD tests and a overall description of what this project is about.
