
Google new layout

Closed this issue · 6 comments


Ublacklist won't block any sites on new google layout search at images section when using firefox mobile.

Ublacklist: 8.6.0
Firefox beta: 127.0b3
Phone: Samsung S8 Galaxy
Android: 9 (April 21 Patch)


Hi Alex!

Could you please send a screenshot of the problem?

If possible, a search query to reproduce the issue would also be really helpful.


Screenshot_20240524-065645_Firefox Beta
Screenshot_20240524-065700_Firefox Beta
Screenshot_20240524-065742_Firefox Beta

I forget to mention also in the video section is not blocking, partial blocking at news section.


Hey there!

I fixed the issue on Images section and the News section, though the latter will only be available in the next version of uBlacklist.

I'm having trouble to reproduce the issue at the "Videos" section, though.

Are you still having this problem?

If so, please send your version of uBlacklist, and (if possible, of course), send me the region of your Google results, this might help.

@iorate The issue is seemingly fixed and there was no reply after a month.

I think we can close this one.

@aug-dev I agree with you.