
cannot change password

dsnalzami opened this issue · 1 comments

hello, I used cschranz/gpu-jupyter:latest, and I cannot login using my new password. I always used this approach:

create password from notebook.auth import passwd > passwd()

cd /home/jovyan/.jupyter/


paste the password to c.NotebookApp.password = u'salted password'.

if I delete the password, the default password is back: gpu-jupyter

I don't know if it is possible to change the password without restarting the Jupyter server. This means you have to change the password before you build the image in src/jupyter_notebook_config.json.

Another solution would be to create a new Dockerfile that pulls cschranz/gpu-jupyter:tag as base image and then move your own jupyter_notebook_config.json or .py into the correct directory. This would look something like:

FROM cschranz/gpu-jupyter:v1.3_cuda-10.2_ubuntu-18.04_python-only

# Copy jupyter_notebook_config.json
COPY jupyter_notebook_config.json /etc/jupyter/

with the json file in the same directory than the Dockerfile.