
Trying to build with ROCM backend

nfrik opened this issue · 1 comments

nfrik commented

Any ideas how to build an image for AMD ROCM? I and replaced the base image with a compatible ROCM Pytorch alternative:


But I get an error trying to run useradd command:

useradd -l -m -s /bin/bash -N -u "${NB_UID}" "${NB_USER}"
useradd: UID 1000 is not unique
The command '/bin/bash -o pipefail -c useradd -l -m -s /bin/bash -N -u "${NB_UID}" "${NB_USER}"' returned a non-zero code: 4

Hi @nfrik ,
I'm sorry that I can't help you, as you pull an image from rocm which I don't know and which is out of scope for this image that is pulled from nvidia. Hopefully you can debug it when you run docker exec -it [UID] bash and then run the struggling lines manually.