
MIssing IOTA, Reclaim Tool, still ZERO now what?

Opened this issue · 7 comments


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  • For pending transactions: I confirm that I have tried reattaching and promoting multiple times (check this box if your issue is not related to a pending transaction)
  • I confirm that this is not an issue related to stolen/lost funds
  • I confirm that this is not a zero balance issue related to a snapshot (last snapshots occurred on October 23 and January 28)
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So now the time arrived to update the info on my quest to regain my IOTAs.
First I updated my IOTA wallet, generated new addresses 130 times, also changed the nodes several times but nothing the balance still 0. Then I started to read about the snapshot(s) which happened several times in 22 of Sept. 24thof October, 28th of January and also last week. The most helpful article: read it you can find a lot of answers there. I concluded that my IOTAs been taken into custody by the staff to protect me...nice! except if they do that wouldn't be nicer if they notify me and everyone else affected and not just waiting us to get a heart attack when we find out that our IOTAs went missing? If you assume you are a victim of the IOTA foundations kindness and your addresses was moved to the IOTA foundation custody address you can go check it and make sure on the following link:
copy, control F, paste ...and I found all my missing (confiscated) IOTAs on the list! But my category was not mentioned in the article which is: curl_not_transitioned. I don't know what to think of this category could not find any info. Anyway move on now the issue how to get them back!? To the Reclaim tool...I got ready with the old seed also with the new seed...pretty simple eventually I got "Proof transaction is pending" and pending and pending time sometimes you prioritize and reattach and again and you have to go to work or to sleep and you have to turn off you computer but as soon is possible you start again and only two days later "Proof transaction confirmed". Great wrote down the address it gave me went to the new seed and receive the same address shows up and only a couple hours later confirmed...and still 0. ZERO.
Went back to check the custody (confiscated) address and everything is still there unchanged!
SO now what? Really WHAT???
In conclusion: IOTA aims for machine to machine communications...the future. How about to try just plain COMMUNICATIONs first like human to human or IOTA to human! If the future you about to build is unhuman, arrogant, top down like a ************ that's not a good future and I don't think that we should support it.

Hey, @1dog2boys , i am absolutely not familiar with the reclaim procedure, but maybe the following post will help you:

That's the first step of the IOTA Discord server #reclaim channel. If you want to join the official IOTA Discord server, there you go:

Hi Io5tinpr0
Thanks for your reply I tried your links IOTA doesn't makes it easy even to write a post but reading Is possible and seems like still lots of people trying to get back their IOTAs with limited success.

Hey @1dog2boys , all these reclaim topics should only be a one-off event.
I keep my fingers crossed that you'll get your IOTAs back. For the future you can hope for a wallet that doesn't have all these problems anymore. It should be quite user friendly ;)
Keep an eye out for news about the IOTA Trinity Wallet over the next few weeks. You will certainly be thrilled!

Hi rajivshah3,

Its been 5 months from June 2017 since I did the reclaim from Iota wallet, and still have not got the reclaim. What is the average time frame I should expect for reclaim to be completed.?

I meant to say 5 months from June 2018....till today Nov 2018.