
IRI1.4.2.4 is better in confirmation time than IRI1.5.0

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I was using the desk light wallet to make transactions in last two days. I used to connect to my light wallet. Some times it showed the IRI is 1.5.0 and some times it is on the upper left part of my wallet.

It seems that iri1.4.2.4 could get faster confirmation than iri1.5.0. Whenever it showed iri1.4.2.4, I could get the confirmations under 5 minutes without reattaching for each transaction. But whenever it showed iri1.5.0, it took at least 5 reattachings for a transaction to get confirmed.


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  • I confirm that this is an issue with the IOTA Wallet and not an exchange
  • I confirm that this is an issue with the wallet, not IRI
  • For pending transactions: I confirm that I have tried reattaching and promoting multiple times (check this box if your issue is not related to a pending transaction)
  • I confirm that this is not an issue related to stolen/lost funds
  • I confirm that this is not a zero balance issue related to a snapshot
  • For private key warnings: I confirm that I am not at risk of reusing an address, or another user has verified that I am not (check this box if your issue is not related to a private key reuse

Steps to Reproduce

  1. [First Step]
  2. [Second Step]
  3. [and so on...]

Expected behavior: [What you expected to happen]

Actual behavior: [What actually happened]


[OS Version]
[Wallet Version]