
RUSTSEC-2021-0059: merged into the `aes` crate

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merged into the aes crate

Status unmaintained
Package aesni
Version 0.8.0
URL RustCrypto/block-ciphers#200
Date 2021-04-29

The aesni crate has been merged into the aes crate. The new repository
location is at:


AES-NI is now autodetected at runtime on i686/x86-64 platforms.
If AES-NI is not present, the aes crate will fallback to a constant-time
portable software implementation.

To prevent this fallback (and have absence of AES-NI result in an illegal
instruction crash instead), continue to pass the same RUSTFLAGS which were
previously required for the aesni crate to compile:


See advisory page for additional details.