
Add arbitrary message signing

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Arbitrary message signing allows the cosmos-sdk tooling, including Ledger, to cryptographically sign messages so that their authenticity can be proven. We need this functionality so that KYC/KYB providers can sign the certificates that they issue and get attached to staranmes.

Depending on the deliberations of cosmos-sdk core devs, will soon be merged or not. If it is not merged or not back-ported to cosmos-sdk v0.42.x then we will have to fork cosmos-sdk and merge the PR into our fork.

This issue is blocked until the outcome of the deliberations, which could happen today (2021.05.25).

The arbitrary message signing ADR will be merged into the cosmos-sdk. Some changes were requested, though: cosmos/cosmos-sdk#7896 (review). We'll have to keep an eye on its developments. We're still blocked.

We can't wait for cosmos/cosmos-sdk#7896 (comment) any more.

We have no hope for the ADR getting into the SDK anytime soon: cosmos/cosmos-sdk#7896 (comment).