
When the new gem version will be issued?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Some changes have been made to a gem since v0.8.3. One of them is fixing the issue with IPv4#<=> (#76) which is important for what I'm currently doing (I'm forced to put a hack in my code to avoid it). So when do you plan to issue a new gem version?

While I am not a maintainer of this gem, you can always either build the gem from the version held here, or you can checkout and build the gem locally.

I have built a number of gems this way or used a (local) fork of it so that it does not change

+1. 0.8.3 is closing in on 2 years old 😄

agreed - looking for a maintainer to publish new reve...instead of forking and making own


@jsmartt I have forked to a new version if you are interested: https://github.com/ipaddress2-gem/ipaddress_2

Tracking this here: #132

Closing this issue, as I'm going through and cleaning up some outstanding issues.