
Redis with Timestamps

Primary LanguageC


This is a modified Redis 3.0.4 version that adds the timestamps (wall clock) to every key/value pair and provides some additional APIs to benefit from the timestamps. There are several added components in Redis.

For simplicity we call it Redis 3.0.5.



New Redis API

  • GETTIME key : returns the last time the value of that key was created or modified.
  • HGETTIME myhash field : returns the last time the value in "field" of the hash "myhash" was created or modified.
  • SMEMBERSTIME myset : return the value and timestamp of each object in the set "myset".
  • COMPAREANDSET key newValue oldValue: Compares if the oldValue is the same as the one in Redis and updates it to the newValue. If the oldValue is different then it just returns OK.
  • COMPAREANDDEL key oldValue: Compares if the oldValue is the same as the one in Redis and deletes it.
  • HCOMPAREANDSET key field newValue oldValue: Performs the same as the COMPARESET but in a field of HASH MAP.
  • HCOMPAREANDDEL key field oldValue: Performs the same as the COMPARESET but in a field of HASH MAP.
  • SCOMPAREANDSET key newValue oldValue: Performs the same as the COMPARESET in a field of a SET.

Redis Append of File

  • AOF prints the timestamps of every value as follows #XXX.
  • AOF prints the timestamp on when the DB was initially first written #XXX.
  • BWREWRITEAOF re-writes the AOF with the timestamps from each value.


This repository is maintained by Ioannis Papapanagiotou