
invalid shares nvidia

AnonJunkie opened this issue · 6 comments

invalid shares on nvidia please fix .

same problems here on ubuntu-based linux. please help. posted this in the discord:
I've compiled IPBC miner using the standard cmake commands but keep getting nvidia invalid result error. Played around with threads and other nvidia.txt options but cannot get rid of the error messages. This is on my Linux box running Ubuntu. Thoughts?
Googled a bit and apparently other peeps have also had the same issues but haven't come across a definitive fix.

Same issue. 0 results from GPU, NVIDIA P106-100. config was auto-generated on first start.

$grep -i pretty /etc/*lease
/etc/os-release:PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS"

$ ./ipbc-miner -V
Version: ipbc-miner/1.1.2/2ee7200/unknown/lin/nvidia-cpu/ipbc/20

"gpu_threads_conf" :
// gpu: P106-100 architecture: 61
// memory: 5949/6080 MiB
// smx: 10
{ "index" : 0,
"threads" : 32, "blocks" : 30,
"bfactor" : 0, "bsleep" : 0,
"affine_to_cpu" : false, "sync_mode" : 3,

[2018-04-18 11:43:36] : Starting NVIDIA GPU thread 0, no affinity.
[2018-04-18 11:43:37] : Starting NVIDIA GPU thread 1, no affinity.
[2018-04-18 11:43:37] : Starting NVIDIA GPU thread 2, no affinity.
[2018-04-18 11:43:37] : Starting NVIDIA GPU thread 3, no affinity.
[2018-04-18 11:43:37] : Starting NVIDIA GPU thread 4, no affinity.
[2018-04-18 11:43:37] : Starting NVIDIA GPU thread 5, no affinity.
[2018-04-18 11:43:38] : Starting 1x thread, affinity: 0.
[2018-04-18 11:43:38] : hwloc: memory pinned
[2018-04-18 11:43:38] : Starting 1x thread, affinity: 1.
[2018-04-18 11:43:38] : hwloc: memory pinned
[2018-04-18 11:43:38] : Fast-connecting to support.ipbc.io:19999 pool ...
[2018-04-18 11:43:38] : Pool support.ipbc.io:19999 connected. Logging in...
[2018-04-18 11:43:38] : Difficulty changed. Now: 600023.
[2018-04-18 11:43:38] : Pool logged in.
Error details:
| Count | Error text | Last seen |
| 1 | NVIDIA Invalid Result GPU ID 4 | 2018-04-18 11:50:57 |
| 1 | NVIDIA Invalid Result GPU ID 2 | 2018-04-18 11:52:32 |
| 1 | NVIDIA Invalid Result GPU ID 0 | 2018-04-18 11:53:36 |

Is this still happening with the latest miner version 1.1.3?

Yes, same error on 1.1.3. Posted in discord too.

SAme here....

new release for cuda available