
ipbb proj create: Directory part of depfile argument erroneously removed

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On the dev/master branch, if the optional depfile argument is contains a directory then that will currently be stripped off, leading to unresolved dependencies errors when running ipbb vivado make-project is run.

Example: Building EMP firmware with top-level dependency file projects/examples/serenity/dc_ku15p/firmware/cfg/so1_v1/top_min.dep

ipbb init emp-dev
cd emp-dev

ipbb add git https://:@gitlab.cern.ch:8443/p2-xware/firmware/emp-fwk.git
ipbb add git https://gitlab.cern.ch/ttc/legacy_ttc.git -b v2.1
ipbb add git https://github.com/ipbus/ipbus-firmware -b v1.8

ipbb proj create vivado serenity_ku15p_so1 emp-fwk:projects/examples/serenity/dc_ku15p so1_v1/top_min.dep
ipbb vivado make-project

Output of last command:

ERROR: Project 'serenity_ku15p_so1' contains unresolved dependencies: 1 unresolved file.
|                           path expression                              package                component                included by |
| emp-fwk/projects/examples/serenity/dc_ku15p/firmware/cfg/top_min.dep   emp-fwk   projects/examples/serenity/dc_ku15p   (top)       |