
ipbb vivado make-project hangs within CI pipeline

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Whilst building with ipbb within a Gitlab pipeline, it was noticed that the command would hang whilst adding a large number of VHDL files to the project. In particular, when the total number of files was 200, the command would function properly, however if the number was 201, the command would hang.

This issue could not be recreated when building natively on the same machine, or whilst building on the same machine within the same docker container used for the pipeline. Nevertheless, given the prevalent use of CI pipelines, I felt this issue should be noted.

The current solution is to use the --single flag for this command, however this could only be achieved in v0.5.2 (see Issue #109 )

ipbb versions tested: v0.5.2, dev/2020g
Vivado versions tested: 2019.2, 2020.2
Host OS: CentOS 8
Docker base image: CentOS 8

Thanks for the report. Does the problem appear when running on Cents7 as well?

The runners were originally CC7 and I did not see this issue, however the project I am using with this CI contained fewer files so would have been unlikely to hit this limit.
All the runners now run on C8 machines currently, and I have found it necessary to match the docker base image to the host OS to ensure compatibility with Vivado.

I can attempt to set up a CC7 runner but it will take some time.

Thanks, this is useful information. I suspect that something changed between shell and vivado's TCL console. One way around is defining a configurable maximum number for files per import command.

I think I'm seeing the same problem. If I use "add_files" with vivado in console mode it works, whereas ipbb hangs. I have ~255 files. I'm told adding files one by one doesn't work in dev/2020g, but I've yet to try..

ipbb versions tested: dev/2020g
Vivado versions tested: 2020.2
Host OS: CentOS 8

For dev/2020g ipbb vivado project --single seems to require "TEXT" (help menu). I'm not quite sure why this should be the case. If text is supplied the command executes, but doesn't add the files singly...

Hi Greg, yes that's a bug, sorry about that. It's going to go in the next tag.

Let me try to put together a fox in the next days. I'm not doing
Much firmware these days, so I need to find a bit of time to set me up again...
BTW, any chance I could have access to the pc where you terrified the issue? That could speed things up