Analysis of gtfs2gps function for the current and new snap method
Joaobazzo opened this issue · 7 comments
Joaobazzo commented
The total number of shape_id
actually processed between the current and new method changes substantially. Perhaps we might lose too much info @pedro-andrade-inpe .
> df_output
city old_method new_method
1: bra_cur 456 203
2: bra_for 597 216
3: bra_spo 2379 2130
4: bra_poa 353 334
5: can_win 627 108
6: irl_dub 390 98
7: usa_col 157 133
8: usa_det 107 72
9: bra_cam 389 172
10: aus_can 123 9
11: aus_syd 3987 665
12: aus_bri 1883 194
13: aus_mel 1501 347
14: aus_ade 1267 488
15: can_tor 442 223
16: can_mon 614 65
17: cze_prg 1580 172
18: fra_nan 356 193
19: fra_gre 67 46
20: ita_rom 992 489
21: usa_hou 393 124
22: usa_nyc 7 0
23: usa_chi 719 232
24: usa_sfo 179 61
Joaobazzo commented
check shape_ids that were excluded from the old_method to new_method, to analyse what usually happens
Joaobazzo commented
rodar emissoes para ambas estratégias @Joaobazzo
Joaobazzo commented
> df_output
city old_method new_method diff
1: bra_cur 451 456 1.1
2: bra_for 595 597 0.3
3: bra_spo 2106 2106 0.0
4: bra_poa 353 353 0.0
5: can_win 627 616 -1.8
6: irl_dub 390 390 0.0
7: usa_col 157 157 0.0
8: usa_det 107 106 -0.9
9: bra_cam 389 389 0.0
10: aus_can 123 123 0.0
11: aus_syd 3985 3970 -0.4
12: aus_bri 1883 1880 -0.2
13: aus_mel 1500 1501 0.1
14: aus_ade 1266 1260 -0.5
15: can_tor 442 433 -2.0
16: cze_prg 1578 1578 0.0
17: fra_nan 356 355 -0.3
18: fra_gre 65 65 0.0
19: ita_rom 991 968 -2.3
20: usa_hou 393 393 0.0
21: usa_nyc 7 7 0.0
22: usa_chi 1 1 0.0
23: usa_sfo 179 157 -12.3
olha, muito pouca diferença @pedro-andrade-inpe @rafapereirabr
rafapereirabr commented
Porque aquele 1o teste deu uma diferença tão grande, e agora a diferença está pequena?
pedro-andrade-inpe commented
This is the code to save every shapeid that cannot not be snapped:
save_data <- function(gtfs, gps, ids, prefix, other_strategy){
getStops <- function(gtfs_data, shapeid){
routeid <- gtfs_data$trips[shape_id == shapeid]$route_id[1]
all_tripids <- unique(gtfs_data$trips[shape_id == shapeid & route_id == routeid, ]$trip_id )
nstop <- gtfs_data$stop_times[trip_id %chin% all_tripids, .N, by = "trip_id"]$N
if(length(nstop) == 0) return(NULL)
stops_seq <- gtfs_data$stop_times[trip_id == all_tripids[which.max(nstop)], .(stop_id, stop_sequence, departure_time)]
stops_seq[gtfs_data$stops, on = "stop_id", c('stop_lat', 'stop_lon') := list(i.stop_lat, i.stop_lon)] # add lat long info
data.table::setorderv(stops_seq, "stop_sequence")
stops_sf <- sfheaders::sf_point(stops_seq, x = "stop_lon", y = "stop_lat", keep = TRUE)
for(i in ids)
stops <- getStops(gtfs, i)
cat(paste0("STOPS NULL FOR ID ", i, "\n"))
sf::write_sf(stops, paste0(prefix, "_", i, "_gtfs_stop.shp"))
sub_gtfs <- gtfs %>% filter_by_shape_id(i)
gtfs_shapes_as_sf(sub_gtfs) %>% sf::write_sf(paste0(prefix, "_", i, "_gtfs_shape.shp"))
sub_gps <- dplyr::filter(gps, shape_id == i)
if(dim(sub_gps)[1] > 0){
mls <- gps_as_sflinestring(sub_gps)
mpts <- gps_as_sfpoints(sub_gps)
mls %>% sf::write_sf(paste0(prefix, "_", i, "_", other_strategy, "_gps_lines.shp"))
mpts %>% sf::write_sf(paste0(prefix, "_", i, "_", other_strategy, "_gps_points.shp"))
save_shapes_with_problems <- function(filename, prefix){
gtfs <- read_gtfs(filename)
gps_n <- gtfs2gps::gtfs2gps(gtfs, method = "nearest")
gps_r <- gtfs2gps::gtfs2gps(gtfs, method = "restrictive")
ids <- gtfs$shapes$shape_id %>% unique()
ids_n <- gps_n$shape_id %>% unique()
ids_r <- gps_r$shape_id %>% unique()
text = ""
missing_r <- setdiff(ids, ids_r)
if(length(missing_r) > 0){
text <- paste0(text, length(missing_r), " RESTRICTIVE ARE MISSING\n")
save_data(gtfs, gps_n, missing_r, prefix, "nearest")
text <- paste0(text, "NO RESTRICTIVE IS MISSING\n")
missing_n <- setdiff(ids, ids_n)
if(length(missing_n) > 0){
text <- paste0(text, length(missing_r), " NEAREST ARE MISSING\n")
save_data(gtfs, gps_r, missing_n, prefix, "restrictive")
text <- paste0(text, "NO NEAREST IS MISSING\n")
save_shapes_with_problems(system.file("extdata/", package = "gtfs2gps"), "poa")
save_shapes_with_problems(system.file("extdata/", package = "gtfs2gps"), "saopaulo")
save_shapes_with_problems(system.file("extdata/", package = "gtfs2gps"), "fortaleza")
save_shapes_with_problems(system.file("extdata/", package = "gtfs2gps"), "berlin")
save_shapes_with_problems(system.file("extdata/", package = "gtfs2gps"), "warsaw")
rafapereirabr commented
I believe we can close this issue now, right?
pedro-andrade-inpe commented