
`get_parent_station()` creating `<NA>` stop_ids

dhersz opened this issue · 2 comments


ber_path <- system.file("extdata/ber_gtfs.zip", package = "gtfstools")
ber_gtfs <- read_gtfs(ber_path)
ber_shapes <- c("14", "2")

smaller_ber <- filter_shape_id(ber_gtfs, ber_shapes)

get_parent_station(ber_gtfs, smaller_ber$stop_times$stop_id)
#>           stop_id parent_station
#>   1: 100000471802   900000200000
#>   2: 100000471901   900000203376
#>   3: 100000471002   900000203365
#>   4: 100000471602   900000200102
#>   5: 100000471201   900000203369
#>  ---                            
#> 143: 900000210216           <NA>
#> 144: 900000210217           <NA>
#> 145: 900000210325           <NA>
#> 146: 900000210005           <NA>
#> 147:         <NA>           <NA>

Created on 2021-10-28 by the reprex package (v2.0.1.9000)

The NAs in the parent_station column are expected, the one in the stop_id is not.

Actually, the NAs in the parent_station column are NOT expected either. This is because the parent_stations listed in the stops table are not listed themselves as stop_ids in the table.

Fixed in d353fab:


ber_path <- system.file("extdata/ber_gtfs.zip", package = "gtfstools")
ber_gtfs <- read_gtfs(ber_path)
ber_shapes <- c("14", "2")

smaller_ber <- filter_shape_id(ber_gtfs, ber_shapes)

get_parent_station(ber_gtfs, smaller_ber$stop_times$stop_id)
#>           stop_id parent_station
#>   1: 100000471802   900000200000
#>   2: 100000471901   900000203376
#>   3: 100000471002   900000203365
#>   4: 100000471602   900000200102
#>   5: 100000471201   900000203369
#>  ---                            
#> 142: 900000210272               
#> 143: 900000210216               
#> 144: 900000210217               
#> 145: 900000210325               
#> 146: 900000210005

Created on 2021-10-28 by the reprex package (v2.0.1.9000)