
help with Stop_id Filter

LeonLeprau opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi again,

So I've used excel to put my stop_id data into the correct format e.g. ("18848", "940004157") and then set up the command

stop_ids <- C("x", "x" and so on) to continue with the filter process.

When I try to run it presents me with an (+) implying that more code needs to be written. I'm sure that its all in the same format as the example. I have 4031 individual stop_id's so I've just attached screenshots of the start and the end.

Thanks so much for your help with this its really appreciated.

Capture 2

Hi Leon. You probably forgot to close a quotation mark or to close a parenthesis, not sure.

Hi Dhersz,

Its odd I can put in like the first 250 stop_id's and it works, but then as soon as I add the next one i'm presented with +. looking at the specific stop_id that appears to be causing the problem it is literally the exact same as the rest.

e.g. pic 1 the first batch comes back perfectly

Capture 3

Then as soon as I add the stop_id ending in 4069 its no go. I've even tried taking that one out and the following few lines but still comes back with a (+). It's almost like it wont go past certain point in the data.

Capture 4

Thanks so much for helping me with this, your a legend :)
all the best

I'm not sure I can help you here, the issue seems not to be related to gtfstools in any way.

What I'd recommend you is to stop copying-and-pasting all of these stop_ids manually, and retrieve them in a programmatic way, somehow. You could use a regular expression, for example, to select the few stop_ids you want to keep, or maybe generate them combining format() and paste().

I think that would improve your efficiency and make your work less error-prone. For now I'll be closing this issue, since it's not related to the package.