
Desire to use the env-file for release name and other variables

driscollAtBitGo opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello! First off amazing job, this plugin is excellent and solves so many problems for me.

I'm trying to use a more customized release name than just the branch or tag or other standard Drone environment variable. I looked in the main.go file and it appears you are loading a "env-file" but I can't figure out how to use it. Where does this file need to be created in the shared volume? This is what I'm basically doing, I attempted using the variables directly when they didn't seem to be implicitly picked up from the file I created, but it may be in the wrong place? Any help is greatly appreciated!

    image: node:10.14.2
      - export ticketNumber=$(echo "${CI_COMMIT_BRANCH}" | awk 'match($0, /(^TIX-[0-9]*)/) { print tolower( substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH ))}')
      - echo "RELEASE: ${ticketNumber}" > env-file
      - echo "VALUES: valueOne=something,valueTwo=somthing" >> env-file
      - echo "NAMESPACE: my-namespace" >> env-file
      - cat env-file

      image: quay.io/ipedrazas/drone-helm
      skip_tls_verify: "true"
      chart: ./charts/microservices
      release: ${RELEASE}
      values: ${VALUES}
      namespace: ${NAMESPACE}
      secrets: [ api_server, kubernetes_token ]