
feat: create helia-remote-pinning example

SgtPooki opened this issue · 2 comments

Continuation of ipfs/helia#180

The example should first work for pinning remote content using a backend Helia client running in NodeJS. We should also explore showing a recommended path for browser nodes to pin content remotely.


The plan for this is documented at https://www.notion.so/pl-strflt/create-interface-API-example-for-helia-remote-pinning-library-71011845a7b9476cb95ab425bb54455c?pvs=4 and a library will be created to make it easy for users to do remote pinning. Then the example this issue is tracking will be created.

@helia/remote-pinning library has been published to NPM, unblocking this work: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@helia/remote-pinning