
0.40.1 does not print anything

hacdias opened this issue · 6 comments


#!/usr/bin/env node
const ipfsClient = require('ipfs-http-client')
;(async () => {
  const ipfs = ipfsClient('/ip4/')
  console.log(await ipfs.id())  

Running with 0.40.x does not print anything.
Running with 0.39.x works.

have you tried using ipfsClient({ apiAddr: '/ip4/' })? the config param changed a bit in the new version

I did :)

what about your node version? v13 doesn't work for some reason. (I just ran into this bug, actually :)

Also 13

Looks like a dupe of #1194 - any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated!

Yes, it seems to be a duplicate! I'll close this one then.

I'll see if I can do anything. I'm really busy this month with exams :'( starting on the 3rd already...