
The upload and send files demo is overly complex

daviddias opened this issue · 1 comments

The upload and send files demo for that what you can build section was a direct c&p from https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/tree/master/examples/exchange-files-in-browser which is complex tutorial, https://github.com/ipfs/js-ipfs/tree/master/examples/exchange-files-in-browser#exchange-files-between-the-browser-and-other-ipfs-nodes.

The what you can build should contain example apps in which the code auto explains itself (through elegance or code comments) so that people dazzle on how it is simple to create complex apps from just a easy to read JS snippet.

Seek out for review of others and beta test these with them. The @ipfs/gui-team or the @ipfs/community-wg have been thinking a ton on how to onboard users to IPFS, they can provide super valuable insights.

I'd love to stay in the loop if anyone tackles an update here.

In Q1 I'm planning to build a super-simple tutorial for using the files API as a ProtoSchool workshop. Feel free to add any resources or ideas for that format at: ProtoSchool/protoschool.github.io#91