
Quickfix: add link to Cluster from homepage

Closed this issue · 4 comments

As a quick addition to the homepage while we're working overhauling doc/paths to learning about IPFS, it would fit right in as a new line in this section of the site:

Screenshot 2019-07-10 08 42 21

What could a new title be? @jessicaschilling suggested At scale . @olizilla may have had other ideas as well.


Quick-and-dirty mockup using inspect-element. Quick-and-dirty text:
** For Large-Scale Datasets **
IPFS Cluster
Ideal for large-scale datasets (XXGB and up) or multiple servers, IPFS Cluster allocates, replicates and tracks your data as pinsets across multiple IPFS nodes. It's both a standalone application and a CLI client.

@meiqimichelle and/or @olizilla -- want to take a pass at refining the words? Also, you may want to include something other than the Cluster logo if that's more compelling.

that looks good, but I think we should be shifting the focus more to:

  • want ipfs in your browser: install companion
  • want ipfs on your desktop: install desktop!
  • want ipfs on your server: install cluster

I think we should nudge folks to cluster for general "i want to run a server" use case. A cluster of 1 is the perfect way to start your IPFS on server adventure.

@olizilla agreed! And I think we'll get there as part of the larger docs effort in the near-ish term ... this was more of a "get cluster in there ASAP" fix. But I'll let you and @meiqimichelle talk over whether we want to turn this into something bigger rite nao.

This gets addressed in #317 ... closing this issue.