Bug: Docs command is not available
maschad opened this issue · 3 comments
maschad commented
Describe the bug
As mentioned in the CLI Instructions there should be a docs
command but it's not available. Running npx aegir help
omits it in output (see below), which makes sense since it's missing from the index.js commands. I am in fact unaware of how to access the docs
commands since it was moved from the ts subcommands
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Run
aegir docs
- Observe output which is
Did you mean dep?
Expected behaviour
Should run the docs command.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Usage: aegir <command> [options]
aegir completion generate completion script
aegir build Builds a browser bundle and TS type declara
tions from the `src` folder.
aegir check-project Ensure your project has the correct config.
aegir check Check project
aegir clean Remove created build artifacts.
aegir dependency-check [input...] Run `dependency-check` cli with aegir defau
lts. [aliases: dep-check, dep]
aegir lint-package-json Lint package.json with aegir defaults.
[aliases: lint-package, lpj]
aegir lint Lint all project files
aegir release Release using semantic-release
aegir test-dependant [repo] Run the tests of an module that depends on
this module to see if the current changes h
ave caused a regression
aegir test Test your code in different environments
Global Options:
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
-d, --debug Show debug output. [boolean] [default: false]
aegir build Runs the build command to bundle JS
code for the browser.
npx aegir build Can be used with `npx` to use a loca
l version
aegir test -t webworker -- --browser fir If the command supports `--` can be
efox used to forward options to the under
lying tool.
npm test -- -- --browser firefox If `npm test` translates to `aegir t
est -t browser` and you want to forw
ard options you need to use `-- --`
Use `aegir <command> --help` to learn more about each command.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: Mac OS v12.6 Build 21G115
p-shahi commented
I snooped around the repo, and although it's maintained, I don't think this repo get's a lot of active attention. Would you be up for taking on this issue yourself?
achingbrain commented